
Browse through fact sheets, lists of transportation resources and, most importantly, Standard Trading Conditions.

CIFFA STCs 2024 (English)

January 02, 2024

Please note that the CIFFA Standard Trading Conditions may only be used by current CIFFA Regular Members of the Association. Check to see if your Service Provider is a Member. Updated January 2024.

All Resources

Carbon Calculator

Carbon Calculator May 17, 2024

Unlocking The Potential An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Fact Sheets / Whitepaper May 03, 2024

CIFFA’s Technology Committee has developed this introductory guide to AI, highlighting the advancements of computer systems to perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. This document covers the different types of AI, subfields, when to use AI, guidelines to achieve the desired outcome and potential challenges to be aware of.

Members Only

Cybersecurity Essentials Guide – Navigating the Digital Landscape Safely

Member Resources March 06, 2024

In today’s hyper-connected world, cyberattacks pose a significant risk to businesses, and in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). That is why, FIATA, crafted this Cybersecurity Essentials Guide – Navigating the Digital Landscape Safely to equip you with the knowledge and resources necessary to fortify your businesses.

Members Only


Member Resources January 02, 2024

L’Entente générale sur l’Agence (AGA) et la procuration de l’ACIC de l’ATIC sont une exigence légale de l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC) qui permet à un courtier en douane de faire des affaires pour le compte d’un importateur. Sans un original au dossier de l’ASFC, un courtier en douane ne peut légalement agir à titre de courtier importateur ou dédouaner ses marchandises à la frontière. Le document ci-présent a été préparé pour s’harmoniser avec les changements apportés à la réglementation ) de l’ASFC dans le cadre de l’initiative numérique de gestion des cotisations et des recettes (GCR) de cette agence gouvernementale.

Members Only


Member Resources January 02, 2024

The CIFFA General Agency Agreement (GAA) and Power of Attorney is a legal requirement of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) which allows a customs broker to conduct business on behalf of an importer. Without an original on file with the CBSA, a Customs Broker cannot legally act as an importer broker or clear their goods at the border. This document has been prepared to align with changes to regulations under CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) digital initiative.

CIFFA STCs 2024 (French)

CIFFA STCs January 02, 2024

Veuillez noter que les conditions de trading standard CIFFA ne peuvent être utilisées que par les membres réguliers actuels CIFFA de l’Association. Vérifiez si votre fournisseur de services est un membre. Mis à jour en janvier 2024.